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Friday, March 18, 2011 18.3.11

Word for the Day: Tired.
I'm tired. Woke at 8am today, bathe and had breakfast, fall asleep while reading last night newspapers. Can you see how tired I am? Left house at 10.15 am and head to toa payoh National Library to get my homework done and at the revised. Chong Janice was late for 15minutes. -.-
At around 1.30pm, we had our lunch at one of the coffee shop nearby, their wanton noodles was nice, graded 8/10.
Went stadium after our lunch, it's was a super duper hot day, both of us were perspiring but she insisted on wearing her PUMA sweater... Because it makes looked special. -.-"
Training started at around 3.15pm, it was really a hot day, every minutes I felt that I'm dehydrated, I guess my skin tone is getting darker and darker. ):
Today's training was alright because most of us are going to compete on this coming sunday. 200m x5 (2 sets) without timing. After the training ends... I really felt like going to the swimming pool and dive in, stay there for 1 hour. haha
Sunday's competition, how do I run? Planning strategies now, visualizing the race...
Bye people... I know it's a boring post. Skip this. -.-

Above The Sky, There's You♥

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 15.3.11

Hey People! I don't owe you guys a living so don't give me that idiotic face of yours, it just reflect how childish you are. I just want to get my job done and hope everyone will appreciate what I have done for you. How I wish my plans worked, How I hope everyone of you enjoyed but looked what have I get from you? Vulgarities? Your disrespect. Hey, don't be too self-centered, it won't help but ruin.
Today, you guys had showed me how childish and foolish you are, do you even deserve my attention and earn my respect, I would consider...
I spent my night just to plan and write all this rules and regulations of the games down. You don't appreciate it, it's not my problem anymore. You just don't deserve the play.
For once, I'll remember you people are a bunch of elephant- monkeys. (Sorry, beloved elephant, you're adorable but you got a small brain, sorry)
I won't vulgarities to you people, I'm educated.

Above The Sky, There's You♥

Wednesday, March 2, 2011 2.3.11

I just don't get it... why am I so quiet for weeks... I'm not stress nor emo but just felt like...... I'm alone and isolated myself from others. Am I too lonely? Or did someone just hurt me? I really don't get what my mind is thinking...

Looking at others, I want to talk to them but just felt I'm extra... It's a kind of weird, I'm not behaving like myself. Can Someone help me?

I want my old self back, the one who makes the most noise among my clique, the one who is always hyper...

Although I'm quiet in class, but you know what, I behaved and responsed differently during my training... I felt relax and still get to fool around with my CRAZY bunch of juniors... haha


Above The Sky, There's You♥

Friday, December 10, 2010 10.12.10

Is the Haze coming back? The sky turns grey again, having sore throat and flu...-.- I was shock when I saw the sky just now, at first I thought it was raining but after a few seconds I realized that there wasn't any water droplets falling from the sky, but the sky just looked so blurry. Is it because of the weather that cause me the sore throat or is it him who passed to me... hum...
There's a good news and a "half good half bad" news, the good one is I'm quitting this sunday and Yay! It's time for me to study and catch up with next year work, I know I'm "Kiasu" haha but O level is not a joke though I don't even know my N's result but no matter what you going to think how " kiasu" I am or whatever shit... I can just tell you, I LOVE TO STUDY! And this is not a joke too. Next, the half good and bad news is, I'm getting my result next friday. Nervous! And yes I'm scare huuuuuuuu.... Trying to not think about it but.... ahhhhhhhh I just hope that I can pass and get to sec 5. Will I?

Above The Sky, There's You♥

Friday, November 26, 2010 26.11.10

After such a long time and finally I'm back... N's is over and has been working and having training lately... I'm tired because of that place, I'm nervous and anxious of my results... How should I calm myself down? Went Out today with Katherine and Dian, it was great, watched "Bruce Lee, My Brother", its a nice show I'll rate 7/10. Dian has something on and went back at around 2 whereas kat and me was wondering about at VIVO, slacking and chit chatting there, told her lots of stuff... Shhhh~ Secret! When we were resting and have our meal at Mac (habourfront), she told me how much she wish to go back to the time where her family will gather together, sharing stuff, eating together and playing with her brother like nobody's business, without any trouble...Then my turn... I was trying, trying real hard to get the memories where my dad and mum sitting together and have dinner with me... But in the end nothing came out, not even a single memories about that, Don't feel sorry for me if you actually know what happened... I'm not that type of person you will feel sorry for and if you did, please throw that thought away, I don't need that. When I was on my way home, I thought of what she said again, at least I had my grandparent, dad and uncle... I'm much more luckier than any other people in this world and I should be thankful for what I already have and not blaming. I can't rewind the time, I don't snatch memories but I can definitely create one with all that happiest moment with the one that I love and also loves me... If I have a choice, I really hope that I have a simple family with me saying this every single day to them.... "Father And Mother I Love You! ( Family) Ah gong Ah ma I love you too and all my adorable cousin... I'll try my best. (:

Above The Sky, There's You♥

Sunday, March 14, 2010 14.3.10

I know my blog rotttttttttttt.
Were busy after Chinese New Year had no time to blog and I will be much more busy from now onwards. I have got alot of things to catch up and there's also alot of stuff I have to do during this march holiday. Other than homework, there's training on tuesday, thursday and friday twice a day, in the morning and afternoon, preparing for the Nationals that starts from the last day of march, time flies, okay I'm getting older, dun feel lyk admit it but that the fact and i have to accept it. ... hum i guess i will be doing my homework while waiting for the next training to start rather than wasting my time yeah? haha, Nationals cross-country coming up too, march 24 i guess.... clash with my CIP?
I will try to post and not let it rot again... but i think even if my blog is rot... nobody cares? Lol... though its not a long post but i should stop here because I have got some recycling stuff to do.... hehe Night... (:

Above The Sky, There's You♥

Sunday, February 14, 2010 14.2.10

新年快乐!愿祝大家身体健康, 学业进步, 心想事诚! (:

Above The Sky, There's You♥


Photobucket Charis Cthelamer,Cthetracker; An Athlete; 16; Gyss; 250794 :D


Msn: emiko_charis@hotmail.com;


Nothing much but a simple life




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